Where is Clima Cube located?
Clima Cube is located at 16258 US Highway 17 North in Hampstead, NC 28443.
What are the office hours?
Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday by appointment
When can I access my belongings?
Access your belongings 7 days a week from 6 am to 10 pm.
Am I required to store long-term?
Store with us short or long-term. We offer flexible month-to-month leases.
What security features do you offer?
We offer electronic gate entry
What items am I not allowed to store?
Perishables, flammable or hazardous items, stolen or illegal goods, plants or animals.
  • Where is Clima Cube located?
    Clima Cube is located at 16258 US Highway 17 North in Hampstead, NC 28443.
    What are the office hours?
    Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm
    Saturday by appointment
    When can I access my belongings?
    Access your belongings 7 days a week from 6 am to 10 pm.
    Am I required to store long-term?
    Store with us short or long-term. We offer flexible month-to-month leases.
    What security features do you offer?
    We offer electronic gate entry
    What items am I not allowed to store?
    Perishables, flammable or hazardous items, stolen or illegal goods, plants or animals.